Saturday 25 October 2014

My Photography Blog

Hi everyone,

I recently started my own photography blog on Tumblr. At the moment, it has a really cliché and vague title "life." which I will probably change once I've conceptualized the blog (I welcome suggestions!). Feel free to follow me, thank you (:

Click on the image to visit.


Saturday 18 October 2014

Candela GentleYAG Laser for Permanent Hair Removal @ Premier Clinic, TTDI

Disclaimer: Sponsored treatment. Reviews are entirely my own. Pictures unedited. 

Hey everyone! Yes, this is something considered to be out of the ordinary appearing on my blog.

Have you ever felt insecure because of your underarms? I have myself. Not that it bothers me all the time because I'm well aware not all of us can afford to have hairless underarms with even skin tones. It only bothers me when that noticeable forest of hair and skin area a few tones darker than the rest of your arms become the highlight of your photos (self-confidence -10).

It took me a while to get this post up for obvious reasons. If flashing your underarms in photos are bad enough, what more to display them on your public blog. But it's up now! And here's to all of you who are insecure about your underarms :)